From an early age, I always wanted to defend those who couldn't stand up for themselves. When I was in grade school I befriended a boy who was constantly pushed around in school. Forging a friendship with him helped me learn early on how cruel and unjust this world can be, and I knew I wanted to find a way to make a difference. That's why I decided to enter law school after graduating from the University of New Mexico in 1993. I knew without hesitation that pursuing my law degree would offer me the opportunity to advocate for those who were being taken advantage of.
I was fortunate enough to be accepted into the University of Texas School of Law, and by 1997, I had earned my Juris Doctor and was ready to begin my career as an attorney. I was quickly recruited to be a part of a local firm, where I would spend the next three years learning my craft and focusing on DWI and criminal defense law. I would ultimately spend the first 10 years of my career working for various firms, allowing me to continue to further my knowledge and experience through a variety of different cases.
By 2008, I had spent over a decade focusing on DWI, drug possession, misdemeanor, and felony cases. I picked up extensive courtroom experience and was learning how to provide excellent legal counsel and representation — but something was still missing.
“I’ve always loved fighting for the underdog. I enjoy looking out for people and protecting their rights against those who try to take advantage of them.”
Despite my success with various firms, I knew the only way to truly provide the type of personalized legal services my clients deserved was to go out on my own. So, in 2008, I decided to open the doors to my very own firm — The Law Office of Justin K. Hall P.C. I felt that working under my own firm would create an opportunity to provide my clients with legal counsel and support that could be individually tailored to the unique needs of their cases.
I also decided to place a heavy emphasis on DWI casework because I was able to witness firsthand just how many people were affected by the DWI laws in Texas. Over the years, I've worked with a number of clients who were good, honest people who had simply been caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Whether it was a champagne toast after a wedding or a beer with friends after work, countless individuals were being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, with consequences that had the potential to follow them for the rest of their lives. I quickly realized how pervasive the problem was, and I wanted to help.
Now, over a decade after starting my own firm, my goal remains the same. I want to help the individuals and families across Rockwall, Dallas, and North Texas overcome the mistakes of their past and find a way to move forward in a positive direction. I try to remind all of my clients that just because you've made a mistake doesn't mean you need to be condemned and carry the weight of your mistake for the rest of your life.
When you walk into my firm, I can guarantee that you'll be treated with the respect and dignity you deserve. I also offer free case consultations, which will allow us to sit down and discuss the details of your case before moving forward. I like to take this approach because I understand how difficult it can be to find an attorney you can trust. I want all of my clients to know that my top priority will always be protecting their rights and working to help them achieve the best possible outcome for your case. So if you or someone you know is facing a difficult DWI or criminal offense, call my office today and schedule your own free case consultation. Together, we can begin to outline a strong defense for your case.
Texas State Bar, 2003
New Mexico State Bar, 1997
B.A. - The University of New Mexico, 1993
J.D. - The University of Texas School of Law, 1997
Rockwall County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association - President
National College for DUI Defense - Member
Texas DWI Defense Lawyers Association - Member
Rockwall County Bar Association - Member
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association - Member